Sunday, 20 January 2013

Milk - not what its cracked up to be. 4 Food myths busted!

1. Milk is necessary for good bone health
This is one of the biggest myths of all.  Research undertaken by Yale University in the early 1990s, measuring protein intake and fracture rates in 16 countries found that countries where dairy consumption was highest had the highest levels of bone fracture.  American women are among the biggest consumers of calcium in the world, yet they have one of the highest levels of osteoporosis (Frassetto et al., 2000)  Incredible but true.  The science behind it works like this....

Dairy products are significant acid producers in the body.  To counteract this, the body fights back by drawing calcium from the bones to neutralise the acid.  Evidence that animal protein produces excess acid has been known for around 90 years and that it increases the amount of calcium excreted in urine.

A study of 1000 women over 65 by the University of California showed that after 7 years, the women with the highest ratio of animal to plant protein, had 3.7 times more bone fractures than women with lower ratios.  (T.C.Campbell, 2006, The China Study)

2. Animal protein is needed for strong muscles
Many people equate protein with meat and think that you can only derive protein from meat and dairy sources.  Some also associate eating meat protein with wealth and success.  If you're rich, you eat meat, if you're poor, you eat bread and potatoes.  It was also assumed that those who consumed less protein had poor physiques.

It is true that protein is a vital component in our bodies.   Proteins are constructed of long chains of amino acids.  Proteins wear out on a regular basis and need to be replaced.  It is true that the "highest quality" protein replacements come from animal sources with milk and eggs the best match.

However, although they appear the best, they are not the healthiest.   It has been found that the slow and steady growth of new proteins from plant sources is healthier for the body and can provide all the amino acids necessary, particularly if you draw on all the plant groups.  As I say to myself on my bike every day.... "Slow and steady wins the race" !

And what does Popeye have to say about it?  well most people believe that his strength comes from the amount of iron in spinach.... And that is partly true.....but I bet you'd be surprised if I told you that spinach also  contains more protein per calorie than beef.  Absolutely true!!!  Yes I know you'd need to eat more of it but remember it also contains no cholesterol..... Win win !!!

3. A vegetarian diet makes you fat
Well of course it will if you compensate for not eating meat by consuming tonnes of cheese and tomato pizza or chocolate eclairs.  However, if you focus your diet on predominantly whole foods, complex carbohydrates and avoid refined foods and sugar, you will not put on weight.  Not only that but your cholesterol levels will drop if your main form of protein is plant based as vegetables contains no cholesterol.

In addition, most vegetables are high in fibre and have a low GI (Glycemic Index), which means they take longer to convert to glucose, providing a more sustained supply of energy and a feeling of fullness.  You wont get the energy crashes you get from eating refined sugars and processed foods which offer the body little nutritious value and behave rather like fireworks - an instantaneous 'wow' factor and a taste explosion but very short lived.

So rather than making you fat, making good vegetarian choices, predominantly focused on beans, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and complex carbohydrates such as wholemeal pasta, whole grain rice, bulgar wheat and other grains can aid your efforts to lose weight.  Not only that but they will also help to protect you from long term illness such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

If you'd like a good real life example, look no further than the former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, who has lost 24 pounds since going vegan following quadruple heart bypass surgery in 2004.  The surgery was not enough in itself to improve his heart health so he ditched the barbecued pork and quarterpounders for a strict vegan diet and has never looked back.

Clinton reportedly said that although his arteries had been cleaned out with bypass surgery and a stent,  he was still eating a nutrient poor 'animal based" diet, and was continuing to clog up his arteries.  He credited the China Study by Dr Campbell for inspiring him on his nutritional journey.  He goes on to say that "82% of the people who have gone on a plant based diet have gone on to heal themselves; we have 25 years of evidence".
You can read more about this here

4. Vegetarians are depressed and deprived.....

In fact they're the most optimistic bunch.  New research shows carotenoids can produce a feeling of happiness.

Research undertaken by Dartmouth University last year also looked at the eating habits of 80,000 Britains and those who consumed 8 or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day were less likely to exhibit nervousness, anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.  They were also more likely to be happy and satisfied with their lives.  Plus, the more produce people consumed, the happier they were.

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